Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans

There comes time when a movie just knocks me off my feet. Maybe I was expecting something and it gave me the opposite reaction which is why I was more or less shocked etc. Maybe it's got my fav actor/actress, or Director/Producer. Regardless of all that I came across The Bad Lieutenant and must say that it is one of the best films I've seen this fucking year.

Inglorious Bastards was great, District 9 was fucking amazing. The Bad Lieutenant, in my opinion, is just as amazing, if not more so than those two huge blockbusters. Sure I'm being a dick in trying to compare movies that have nothing to do with this genre, but fuck that, it's a bad ass movie that deserves props. If you like Nicolas Cage but hated how he was making whack ass movies Post Face Off (though the Lord of War was pretty amazing as well ;-) then you'll love this movie.

Hell, this movie is so good that I vote for this muthafucka to get best actor at the Oscars.


The film is set in New Orleans post Katrina where Louisiana is still picking from all the prior chaos. Cages character Terrance is a damn good Detective who does things a bit on the illegal side when it comes to getting justice to be served. There are plenty of times in the movie where I'm like "this dude is evil." But yes, he's an anti hero to the exponent of 50.
Some cases that need to be solved, Terrance's involvement in some stuff that would make anybody else with out a confident frame jump off a bridge from the pressure, and some great twists and turns make this a quite refreshing film for the Crime/Drama genre.

This film takes all the stereo types in most of these movies and literally gives them an amazing uplift. The dad who drinks himself to death, the prostitute with the heart of gold etc... but they are all the most so interesting and complex in this film.


Amazingly cast. Cage carries the whole film on his shoulders and succeeds very well at it.
There's something about a movie that has a very strong male lead. Eva Mendes is mad hot and does a great job at playing her part. Hell, every actor from Val Kilmer to fucking Xzibit did an awesome job.

The film is directed by German legend Werner Herzog. I don't remember what he made off the top of my head (Grizzly Man, Rescue Dawn) but I can remember in my German's in Hollywood class when my instructor talked about him. Gave the man nothing but praise. And after seeing this movie (I wasn't to impressed with Grizzly Man) I steadfastly apologize for ever doubting his artistic creativity.

Why Cage's Character is the Man:

Yeah he's got flaws, and pretty sick ones at that (he's a coke addict and takes pain killers for a bad back, smokes crack, steals from the evidence room etc.) but one thing he never falters on is his ability to never break his frame when ever crazy shit hits the fan. He's a guy who stands up to anything and anyone. And this is what women are crazy about. No he's not picking up mad chicks in this film but the ones that he does have, you can bet that they aren't going any where any time soon. More so they're ready to do crazy shit for him if need be.
How can you tell when a man is grounded down to the root? Put him in the position that Cages character and watch him come out without even shitting a brick and handling every situation hands down that comes his way.

This Film is by far one of the most clever, well written, films of its kind.

Who to watch this movie with:

People who love smart vulgar films. Anyone over 17 who's into kinky shit and free minded about things like drugs and sex. Definitely watch it with girls you're trying to hook up with.

Who not to watch this movie with:

Anyone who's very religious. Your Parents (though my parents are kind of cool so it wouldn't be bad to watch it with them), especially if they haven't even acknowledged or even asked that you're having sex with other women/men yet.