Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Expendables

Just peeped the Expendables flick this past Thursday. Being a very faithful lover of "Man" action flicks I really wanted to like this film. I like Stallone. I liked his recent Rambo movie (Rambo 4), thought it was fresh/raw and pretty entertaining. Good action and acting from the whole cast. Back to the Expendables. The film fell very flat on almost every point you could doctor up.

This is one of those films you'll watch and say, "yeah, he needs to retire..."
I felt the only actors who did alright in the whole film (or were allowed to dabble) were Jason Stathem and Dolph Lungren. Working mad long hours lately I found myself having to fight to stay awake/keep interested.

I really want movie studios to keep on the track of making "man movies." Straight up hardcore Rated R action flicks that aren't supposed to be about getting asses in seats (notice how every movie now a days is pg or pg-13, because they make more money that way). And maybe with the success of how well Expendables is doing at the box office they will continue to do so.

At least one good thing about this movie lol. Seriously, I thought this movie was so bad that everyone was going to rip it to shreds. Sometimes I chuckle at the way films are received by the general public.

But then again I really am living in my own world.