Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ghosts of Girlfriends Past

I was never a fan of romantic comedies. I always found them to too Cliche, too cheeky, and too bias towards women. And to a certain extent, this being 2009, most of the romantic comedies out today still are. But (and that's a big BUT) they seem to be raising the bar.

The romantic comedies I used to watch, don't ask how ;-P, from highschool till now (I grew up with two older sisters who were all about these movies...) were very very pro women. Now they seem to be smartening up and making well scripted ones. Still pro women, they aren't too horrible to get through. I'd say it's now 60 percent pro women 40 percent pro everyone else.

Ghosts of Girlfriends past is a great example. From a PUA perspective the film is def a must see.
IMO the first hour of the film is solid. For those who have not watched GOGP the film is about this dude, Connor Meade who is basically the type of dude who knows he's the shit with women. He's a player who has the perfect job/lifestyle. His little bro is getting married and it just so happens that Connors banged all the chicks at this wedding etc. So while he's at this wedding he's visited by three ghosts (A Christmas carol twist) who bring him back to earth from being the awesome player that he was. He ends up getting with his childhood sweetheart (this is where the movie goes whack...though it wasn't too bad, still entertainingly done well), and they live happily ever after.

My whole take on this film from a social conditioning perspective is this: If you sleep around with alot of women you will not be happy. If you don't find the love of your life and settle down then you will go to hell and suffer for eternity.

This movie will be a mind fuck for guys who watch it and don't know how to come to terms that IT'S ALL BULLSHIT. Do not fall for the message that GOGP promotes. If you don't take it too seriously the movie is fun and entertaining but, it's true, the more you surround yourself around this sort of message the more you actually start to believe it, bit by bit.

On Banging lots of girls:

The movie has some awesome moments with Conner and his Playboy Uncle Wayne (fabulously played by Michael Douglas) who takes him under his wing.

I highly recommened that everyone watch just the scene when Connor sees his younger self being shown the "ropes" by Uncle Wayne on how to game women. Pure genius in that scene.

Some qoutes from Uncle Wayne:

"If there is one thing you learn tonight, it's this. The power in a relationship lies with whoever cares less."

This qoute is sad but true. I believe that when one person likes another person more than the other person likes him/her then a misbalance occurs. It's the whole notion of "I have options" that I believe they are getting at. Because someone who has many many options comes across as wayyyyy more valuable then someone who does not have many options. The guy who already has a job and is looking for another one looks alot less needy than the guy who doesn't have a job and is looking for one. The best way to attract a woman is to sub communicate to her that you have many options, i.e are the type of guy who is being constantly pursued by women.

Conner Meade had that. In the first 5 minutes of the movie you saw girls being disgusted at how he treated them, but they put up with it. Why. Because they saw that he couldn't care less. His cocky confident attitude got him tons of ass. Sure the movie was made to prove a point: That you'll end up alone and lonely if you disrespect and don't have a heart for others.

I'm here to tell you that you can still hang out with tons of beautiful women and still be the lovable person you always wanted to be. The guy who helps others out. I'm trailing off here lol.

"Dames are like Horses, they spook easily."

When I heard that qoute I broke out laughing. Because how true it is. If you approach a women in a fucked up miscalibrated way she will get creeped out and she will get the fuck out of there asap.

One thing that Uncle Wayne does in the movie (when he gets slapped in the face) that I think alot of dudes will misinterpret to be a fuck up, is to display his ability to handle humiliation. There's a scene when he goes up to the girl right next to his "target" and tells her something to where she slaps him. Pretty much the way he handled that slap in the face was what got his oringinal "target" to get up and walk over to him (in a very hollywood type cheesy fashion, but still good none the less).

One thing I like about the movie is that they used all these cool PUA tactics without ever referring to the "game." The writers didn't use any terms like DHV or OBSTACLE (as they probably shouldn't have since the "pick-up" scene was set in the 70's) etc.

The film:

I like Matthew Mchoanahey and Micheal Douglas, so I thought they both did a fine job as did the rest of the cast in this film. The story flowed well and got you from point A to point B. My taste in movies is basic: If it's entertaining I'll watch it. If it sucks I'll stop the movie mid way through and never watch it again (no need to waste anymore of my precious time).

Though the Hollywood ending make this movie easily forgettable in my book, it's still worth checking out just for the one Uncle Wayne scene.

After seeing this film, and interacting with tons of women in the field, it's no doubt in my mind
that all women have the mindset of "settle down and get married." I truly believe that men are the only ones who want to bone tons of beautiful women, live it up for mad then settle down with the "right one."

And oh yes, we know when we've found "the one."

I put this film in the "Watch by yourself" category. Don't fall into the trap of watching this film with a girl, especially if you like having sex with her on a regular basis.

You'll notice a trend here: The only films I am going to recommend to for guys to watch with women in the room are films dominated by very confident Alpha males who, though conflicted, know the path that they are on. The recent James Bond films are a great example of this. Also any movie with Clive Owen, Christian Bale, or Brad Pitt are also great ;-)



Thursday, June 4, 2009

Drag Me to Hell too...after watching this movie of course (spoilers included).

Just caught the "Drag me to Hell" film by famed Spider Man director Sam Raimi.

In a nutshell this movie could have been an episode on Tales from the Crypt (the amazing HBO series that came out in the 90's). To be released as a feature film and have people pay $10.00 plus dollars (if you live in NYC) is a rip off for all hard working Americans who have better things to do with their time then sit there and watch Made for TV concepts.

Upon reading reviews on IMDB I thought this film was worth checking out. One guy even said that Drag Me to Hell was paving the way for new and interesting Horror Films. LOL.

Why you should avoid this film if you happen to be an Alpha Male in the Community who Lives for Pick-Up or a regular male for that matter who appreciates all that is entertaining and original:

1. This film is Pro Relationships, Pro Chode, very negative on life in general

For starters the main character's boyfriend is a total Chode. He buys things for her, pays for EVERYTHING any chance he gets. He's a really nice guy who still loves her for all her quirky insecurities. The dude is an aspiring doctor and may be dating this chick because his parents don't approve, but who knows.

The Main character is totally unlikable. Among being insecure she pretty much writes her own death sentence for simply "being herself." I don't even know what the moral of the story of this movie is...besides "Life's a bitch" or "don't be mean to old people."

The film is about Gypsies who steal, curses, bad luck etc.

If you're in the community you know that you can reframe anything that you want. Positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative.

- Very bad film to watch with chicks

Seriously, the whole vibe of this film is to GET MARRIED. Be in love and get married asap. If that's what you want to do then by all means watch this film. It's an awesome film for people already in long term relationships or happily married.

For me this film was a nightmare to watch. I had a female friend I've been hanging out with for a while over and she's starting to get a bit too close. Popping questions about relationships and friends of hers that are getting married etc. This movie didn't help with that either.

Why? At the end of the film the main characters boyfriend is about to ask her to marry him. In other parts of the film her and her boyfriend (or bore friend as my man Davinci likes to say) are talking about shit like "When was the first time you realized you fell in love with me." (to which he answers...."I fell in love with you the second I saw you..."

She's all in love with him and then she gets dragged into the ground by the demons etc. blah blah blah.

It was probably the best part in the movie, because it was over. Matter a fact, I think the demons actually did the boyfriend a favor LOL.

Unless you're looking to have a long term girlfriend avoid being in situations like watching this Film with a chick. Watch it alone (but you'll feel like you just wasted 1.5 hours when you do ;-)

Any movie you watch with chicks should be nothing like this one, especially chicks you like having sex with ;-)

I can safely say that this movie should be placed in the "Cock Block" category of movies.

Movies that are not in the Cock Block Category (movies you should watch with chicks): The Notebook, Children of Men, Gattica....

Likable characters?

The issue with the film is that almost every character you see if un likable. The movie makes the whole world out to the cruel and evil. Every man for himself etc. I can't stand movies like that. Movies like that make you walk outside with a frown on your face.

And don't give me that "but it's a horror film, it's not supposed to be happy or postive..."
An entertaining film is just that. Drag me to hell had me staring at my watch.

Raimi's Past Work:

I'm a huge fan of Sam Raimi's past work. The Evil dead series is genius. Darkman is probably his most underated film. Drag me to Hell was PG-13. Is the recession really that bad,even for the film business, when people are starting to make films that will broaden out to a wider audience (more butts in seats)? Before Spider Man almost every Raimi film I knew about was rated R. Not that it matters but I'm really starting to wonder if he's gone soft.