Thursday, June 4, 2009

Drag Me to Hell too...after watching this movie of course (spoilers included).

Just caught the "Drag me to Hell" film by famed Spider Man director Sam Raimi.

In a nutshell this movie could have been an episode on Tales from the Crypt (the amazing HBO series that came out in the 90's). To be released as a feature film and have people pay $10.00 plus dollars (if you live in NYC) is a rip off for all hard working Americans who have better things to do with their time then sit there and watch Made for TV concepts.

Upon reading reviews on IMDB I thought this film was worth checking out. One guy even said that Drag Me to Hell was paving the way for new and interesting Horror Films. LOL.

Why you should avoid this film if you happen to be an Alpha Male in the Community who Lives for Pick-Up or a regular male for that matter who appreciates all that is entertaining and original:

1. This film is Pro Relationships, Pro Chode, very negative on life in general

For starters the main character's boyfriend is a total Chode. He buys things for her, pays for EVERYTHING any chance he gets. He's a really nice guy who still loves her for all her quirky insecurities. The dude is an aspiring doctor and may be dating this chick because his parents don't approve, but who knows.

The Main character is totally unlikable. Among being insecure she pretty much writes her own death sentence for simply "being herself." I don't even know what the moral of the story of this movie is...besides "Life's a bitch" or "don't be mean to old people."

The film is about Gypsies who steal, curses, bad luck etc.

If you're in the community you know that you can reframe anything that you want. Positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative.

- Very bad film to watch with chicks

Seriously, the whole vibe of this film is to GET MARRIED. Be in love and get married asap. If that's what you want to do then by all means watch this film. It's an awesome film for people already in long term relationships or happily married.

For me this film was a nightmare to watch. I had a female friend I've been hanging out with for a while over and she's starting to get a bit too close. Popping questions about relationships and friends of hers that are getting married etc. This movie didn't help with that either.

Why? At the end of the film the main characters boyfriend is about to ask her to marry him. In other parts of the film her and her boyfriend (or bore friend as my man Davinci likes to say) are talking about shit like "When was the first time you realized you fell in love with me." (to which he answers...."I fell in love with you the second I saw you..."

She's all in love with him and then she gets dragged into the ground by the demons etc. blah blah blah.

It was probably the best part in the movie, because it was over. Matter a fact, I think the demons actually did the boyfriend a favor LOL.

Unless you're looking to have a long term girlfriend avoid being in situations like watching this Film with a chick. Watch it alone (but you'll feel like you just wasted 1.5 hours when you do ;-)

Any movie you watch with chicks should be nothing like this one, especially chicks you like having sex with ;-)

I can safely say that this movie should be placed in the "Cock Block" category of movies.

Movies that are not in the Cock Block Category (movies you should watch with chicks): The Notebook, Children of Men, Gattica....

Likable characters?

The issue with the film is that almost every character you see if un likable. The movie makes the whole world out to the cruel and evil. Every man for himself etc. I can't stand movies like that. Movies like that make you walk outside with a frown on your face.

And don't give me that "but it's a horror film, it's not supposed to be happy or postive..."
An entertaining film is just that. Drag me to hell had me staring at my watch.

Raimi's Past Work:

I'm a huge fan of Sam Raimi's past work. The Evil dead series is genius. Darkman is probably his most underated film. Drag me to Hell was PG-13. Is the recession really that bad,even for the film business, when people are starting to make films that will broaden out to a wider audience (more butts in seats)? Before Spider Man almost every Raimi film I knew about was rated R. Not that it matters but I'm really starting to wonder if he's gone soft.

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