Monday, August 3, 2009

Funny People...Very Funny, and more importanly....Well Done ;-)

There comes a point in time where I write up a sentence like this one....saying something about how film makers haven't made a movie like x or y the way they used to back in the day...blah blah blah.

Funny People is a very interesting film because...1. It's actually very good...2. It has Adam Sandler in it (most of his movies blow)...and 3. Movies like this can be made in 2009, and that takes alot of balls.

I'm telling you: RIGHT NOW we're in a situation where people are not going to the movies any more. People are finding out ways to watch movies with out actually spending 10 dollars at the movie theatre. On my way to the subway you can see mad dudes selling boot leg copies of DVDs. China town Manhattan has every movie bootlegged before it even came out ;-)

Plus Movie theatres blow my balls. I'd rather catch the flu in my own home thank you very much. I'm not against sitting in a room full of 50 or more people's true, movie theatres are riddled with germs and people that you would never let set foot in your own home anyway lol.

Seriously, you have movies like Ice Age 3 that are literally #1 at the box office for over three weeks in a row. Either that or their up at the top for mad long. WHY? Because their made for Children. And children have to bring their parents who have to also pay for the tickets to see it. Ingenuis. So Ice Age 3 is a shitty movie that only appeals to toddlers and stuff animals but since it's number one at the box office every week people actually think that it deserves an oscar.

As sad as it sounds, the soul reason to make films and release them is to get ASSES into Seats to watch them. I learned that from my Production professor, and even when he was saying that I couldn't help but think "what ever, people need to make films from the heart...not because they know it's going to make tons of dough."

But truth be told, not that many people are going to watch Funny People. It's amazingly written, performed and edited. Yes, it's about 2.5 hours long but every minute of it is mesmorizing. I watch alot of movies and not in a while have I been mezmorized by a film like this one. I won't go into the plot or even the names of the characters etc. because there's plenty of blogged reivews, that can explain it wayyyyy better than I'd care to go into.

My main thing is the feeling and the energy this movie emitted.

Who to watch it with:

You can watch this movie with practically anyone. Taking girls to see this movie is fine. Nothing is ever too mushy and parts are balanced out quite well. This is a comedic-drama. Not a screwball comedy.

Screwball comedies (bad ones like BrideWars etc.) are very very bias towards women (sure there are Bias men films too, but that's for another topic...). You've got scenes in screwball comedies where the guy looks like an asshole if he doesn't ask the girl to marry him. WTF. You're sitting there with a chick watching that movie and that type of scene comes up..."Marry me...blah blah blah..."

Holy shit, is it me or are screw ball comedies designed to promote Marriages and make a guy feel like a total dick if he appreciates the company of more than one women. Thank you social conditioning ;-)

Rest assured there is no booby "marry me, let's run away together forever" cock blocks in this film. Anyone who loves Rated R movies can definitely get through this one.

Upon reading some other reviews I couldn't help but notice how people started to rip on the editing or the length or the way the camera angles were set up. LOL

I usually get a kick out of these sorts of reviews. All of a sudden people who watch and review movies are literally film makers now who know "EVERY THING" about film making. LOL
As I scratch my balls at the thought....nope, that's like Roger Ebert saying he can direct better than Steven Spielberg just because he knows how to explain the way a movie was put together.

Look, the editing, the camera shots, the lighting, in Funny People "worked." The vibe of the film was beautiful and I have to say that had to do in part with the editing. To have bloggers state that the "editer" should never edit again in their lives after editing Funny People is pretty fucked up especially when they are professionals at what they do ;-)

"Give me the chance to edit, I'll make it way better...." Ah yes...Jealousy comes in a all shapes and sizes lol.

Funny People was already a pretty damn good movie and to try and say that it could have been better if x or y was done to it is just fucking pathetic. Appreciate the filmmakers decisions on why they left certain shots in etc. ;-)

Kudos to the makers of Funny People ;-)


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